Margo Covington – Improving Immunity: Easing Trigger Stacking

As we face the 21st month of the pandemic, how can we acknowledge the compounding stressors we face (Trigger Stacking) while also processing them to be released? What are the connections to Trigger Stacking and our immune / lymphatic systems? I share successful tools that release lymph congestion to support immunity.
I’ve had many careers. Little did I know 17 years ago when I had cancer and met the machine that I use, that this work of lymphatic decongestion would become my passion, and a mission of love. I have learned that our lymphatic system is the home of our immune system. And in our current pandemic, I’m appreciating the value of what I’ve learned more and more. I recently realized that all the varied careers in my life seem to have uniquely prepared me for this work at this time.